(Class 56)
Class 56 Composition rich in various additives that improve the qualities of the fruits in terms of color, taste and shape.
Increase plant hardness and fruits
Packing: Bag, Bottle
Weight: 1,2,5 Kg
Product: 6 -20-30+TE+Amino Acid +additives

(Class Phos)
Class Phos Fertilizer formula rich in phosphor with macro and micro elements plus Amino acid which works to raise the efficiency of photosynthesis for the plant
Used in critical physiology stage of plant life such as flowering – pollination – fruit set and developing fruits, which leads to maximizing the benefit of the amount of fertilizers added to the plant.
Packing: Bag, Bottle
Weight: 1,2,5 Kg
Product: 12 -48-8+TE+Amino Acid + additives

(Class Nitro)
Class Nitro Fertilizer contain on organic Nitrogen that’s important in fruiting process and increase productivity.
Suitable for organic crops and various irrigation systems
Packing: Bag, Bottle
Weight: 1,2,5 Kg
Product: 20 -5-10+TE+Amino Acid +additives

(Micro Class)
Micro Class Pure source of trace elements and meet all the needs of plants from the trace elements
It can be used for all crops and irrigation systems
Packing: Bag, Bottle
Weight: 1,2,5 Kg
Product: 5% Fe,1.5% Zn, 2.5%Mn,4.5 %MgO,0.5% B,2.5% Cu,0.05 % Mo

(Stick Class)
Stick Class Dispersing and adhesive Fertilizer Improves the leaf absorption efficiency of sprayed pesticides and foliar fertilizers
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.

(Class Cal)
Class Cal Fertilizer rich in Calcium and Magnesium, which are considered tonic for root and used to strengthen the stem and leaves
Increase the ability of plant resistance to various diseases and weather conditions
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.
Product: 12%N,15%CaO ,5.5 %MgO

(Copper Class)
Copper Class Fertilizercontains copper that can be absorbed by the plant, as it strengthens the plant and resists various environmental conditions.
It can be used in organic fertilization programs and various irrigation systems
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.
Product: 3% N , 6% Cu

(Class Cal-Bor)
Class Cal-Bor Fertilizer formula rich in Calcium and Boron, which are essential for flowering and improving the quality of the fruits.
It is used in various irrigation systems
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.
Product: 7%N,12%CaO,1.5%B

(Class KTS)
Class KTS Fertilizer rich in sulfur and potassium improves the characteristics of fruits such as Color, Size, Hardness and Storage and trading specification.
Works on stability of flowers and increase the proportion of the contract and reduce the fall
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.
Product: 36 % K2O , 25% S

(Sulfur Class)
Sulfur Class Fertilizer contains a high concentration of potassium and organic carbon
improve the properties of fruits in terms of size, color, taste and hardness, and increases their nutritional value and increases the amount of production.
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.
Product: 36% K2O , 50% Organic Matter

(Class Power)
Class Power Fertilizer formula rich in phosphorous and potassium, which increases plant growth and revitalization
Increasing the percentage of flowering and fruits set, thus increasing production in quantity and quality
Packing: Jerry can, Bottle
Weight: 1,5,20 Ltr.
Product: 0-45-55